What Machines Are Used To Harvest Wheat?

The use of advanced and modern farm equipment and machines is gradually increasing in wheat production. Different types of tractor-driven plows, seed sowing machines, and threshing machines are usable in plowing, sowing, threshing. But the use of machines in our area is still less in the work of wheat harvesting.

Even today, farmers still use traditional sickle in harvesting wheat. In some places, modern farmers also use advanced toothed sickles. At present, different types of machines are available for harvesting wheat. Farmers can take advantage by using them. Here, we’ll describe some useful machines available in the field of wheat harvesting.

Various machines for harvesting wheat:

Automatic Vertical Conveyor Reaper

Automatic Vertical Conveyor Reaper is a useful machine for small and medium-scale farmers for harvesting wheat. It has an arch outside in the front and the transmission system behind it. A diesel engine of about 5 horsepower of its own that transmits power to its wheels and cutter bar powers the reaper.

For harvesting wheat, the farmer has to walk behind it by holding its cutter bar forward and holding it by its handle. The cutter bars cut the wheat plants and transmission system lay the plants in a line. Then, the workers collect them.

The working efficiency of this machine is about 0.21ha/hr.

Tractor Driven Reaper

The queue bar and transmission system in Tractor Driven Reaper are similar to that of Automatic Vertical Conveyor Reaper but the tractor aids in operating it. The PTO of the tractor will then carry out the function of transmission of power to the cutter bar. As for the shaft, it helps in driving it.

Its arch bars are generally longer than the cutter bars of a vertical conveyor reaper. With this machine, the wheat plants are cut with a cutter bar and a laid in another line by the transmission system. Which are then tied into bridges.

  • Functionality

The working capacity of tractor driven reaper is 0.40 ha/hr. It is easier to operate than a vertical conveyor reaper as the tractor operates it.

Automatic Reaper Binder

In automatic reaper binder, along with harvesting wheat, the machine itself works in tying them in bridges. In a way, it is a more developed form of automatic vertical conveyor reaper.

In this, installation does not only consist of the unit for tying the plants to the bridges. But there is also an arrangement for the sitting of the farmer. Due to which, performing its work is more comfortable than automatic vertical conveyors and tying the bridges does not have to be separately.

  • Modus operandi

The plants are first cut from the cutter bar and tied to the bridges by the tying unit and dropped in the field between the cutter bar and the seating seat. Collecting these bridges then happen afterwards. This machine has three wheels but at present, a four-wheeled machine has become available.

  • Functionality

To run this machine, it has its own diesel engine of about 10 horsepower. The working capacity of this machine is about 0.35 ha/hr.

Tractor Driven Reaper Binder

Tractor-operated wheat harvesting and the greeting machine are very useful for the farmers. In this too, after cutting the plants with the cutter bar, they get tired in the bridges and they are dropped one more by the transmission system. The machine then cut and bind them very neatly. Hence its popularity among farmers is increasing rapidly.

Combine Harvester

These machines are very useful for big farmers. In this, along with the harvesting of wheat, the work of threshing them is also done and we get clean grains. Wheat is harvested from the very top by this machine, so the rest of the plant is left standing in the field. Farmers cut it later on and burn it in the field, which is not a correct process. This also causes a lot of damage to the environment.

Custom Hiring

These machines are available for rent at many places. If there is a custom hiring center near the farmers and any of these machines are available, then the farmers can use this machine from there as well.

According to the requirement and utility of the farmer, they can use any wheat harvesting machine along with appropriate modern farm equipment. Apart from this, there is a lot of saving in the time of the farmer, as well as the laborious work of harvesting becomes easy by these machines and the farmer gets comfort. Farmers should welcome the idea of using more and more machines.

For more modern farm equipment, check out our blog section now. Happy farming!

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